administration of assets

英 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn ɒv ˈæsets] 美 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn əv ˈæsets]




  1. The occupant enterprise shall adjust its accounting items according to the affirmation document issued by the State-owned assets administration department and attend to the property right registration of state-owned assets.
  2. "Enterprise State-owned Assets Act" and Management and Administration of State-owned Assets
  3. And the present Regulations shall not apply to the supervision and administration of the state-owned assets in financial institutions.
  4. The institution for supervision and administration of state-owned assets shall impose upon the directly responsible person in charge and the directly liable persons in accordance with the law a disciplinary sanction of not severer than removal from posts;
  5. Management includes two respects, first, the management to thing, for instance the handing of goods and materials, storehouse management, marketing management, technological process management, financial administration, rearrangement of assets, debt etc.;
  6. The new-type administration of the state-owned assets should simulate the mechanism of career manager stratum, cultivating and shaping the personified administrators of the state-owned assets, which can stimulate and restrain them effectively during the supervision of the operation of the state-owned assets.
  7. However, owing to various reasons, for example, the archives administration of tangible assets in college and universities does not conform to the standard, the stamina of development is influenced.
  8. The next in order, should further perfect managerial law statue of concerning state assets administration, establish the efficient operating administrative institution of the state assets, reduce the running cost the state property right;
  9. A good many problems existing in the administration of the assets used for paying debts add new assets risks.
  10. Section two to the administration management system of state-run assets, inside people control, incentive mechanism weaken and state-owned enterprise participate in international competition consciousness strong four problem is it analyse and propose train of thought of solving to go on.
  11. Administration of State-Owned Assets
  12. The local State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commissions have achieved a lot in exploring new mode of supervising state-owned assets and taking new measures to deepen the reform of SOEs.
  13. The first part discusses the background, context and the development of the Basle Accord, the part also narrate many useful advices to national commercial bank about risk assets administration, capital structure, the reduction of the risk assets in banks.
  14. Starting from 1994, by means of launching pilot project, our central government has gradually constituted a three-leveled state-owned assets administration system, the centre of which is the management of state-owned assets management.
  15. An Elementary Introduction about the Existing Problem of Administration Institution ′ s Management of Fixed Assets and Solutions
  16. On the Problems and Solutions for the Administration of the Assets Used for Paying Debts in the Rural Credit Cooperatives
  17. At last, the method is given to assess the administration of intangible assets.
  18. Chapter 1 deals with the issue concerning who should act as the seller of state assets to decide the transaction conditions and to be responsible for the acts and consequences of the transaction, thus ensuring proper administration over the sales revenue of state assets.
  19. Supervision and Administration of Local State-owned Assets, Transformation of SOE System and Choice of Routes
  20. Thus, emphasis is levied on the separation of the management and the administration in course of managing city's assets to prevent the government acting as both athletes and judges and secure increment without depreciation of the city's assets.
  21. The Administration of Intellectual Property Rights in the Realm of State-owned Assets
  22. With analyzing the nature and contents of authority for conveyance of real estate as example, the paper identifies administration and management characters of managing city's assets in the condition of socialist market economy.
  23. Learning From International Experience and Pushing Forward Reform of Administration System of State-Owned Assets in China
  24. State-owned assets supervision and administration of the basic goal is to realize the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets.
  25. From State-owned Assets Admonition Bureau to State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the model of state-owned assets management system has been gradually innovated.
  26. On February 20th, 2006 the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly promulgated the "Notice on the Taxation Policies of Credit Assets Securitization", which bring a preferential policy on the issue of taxation to the participators who involve in credit assets securitization.
  27. The far-reaching and all-sided changes brought by information technology profoundly affect all fields of social and economic development, and the work of financial supervision and administration of state-owned assets being unexceptional.
  28. The problem of structural establishment and function orientation of state-owned assets supervision and administration agency has become a key link of the reform of the state-owned assets administration system.
  29. Research institutions improve administration of the budget of state-owned assets management, both in favor of effective asset management job, but also conducive to deepening the reform of public finance budget management, scientifically draw up budget for the financial sector, with the meaning of theoretical guidance.